June 2016 Income

Hello everybody how are you? This is my favourite post as it gives me a chance to share with you how my portfolio did the previous month. In June I received a total of $269 in dividends, in my TFSA account I received $82.28 and in my RRSP account I received $186.72.


Inter Pipeline $17.03
The Keg Royalties Income Fund $14.94
Artis Real Estate Investment Trust $13.95
Boardwalk Real Estate Investment Trust $13.13
Boston Pizza Royalties Fund $12.31
Chorus Aviation $10.92
Fortis $60.38
Enbridge $49.82
Canadian Utilities $42.25
Pizza Pizza Royalty Corp $16.38
Power Corp of Canada $12.06
Magna $5.69
Westjet $0.14
Dividends Received in 2016
I have received a total of $1658.34 so far this year

Dividend Increases

In June I received one dividend increase. Pizza Pizza Royalty Corp increased their dividend 2.4% to $0.0713.


In June I made two stock purchases one for my TFSA account and one for my RRSP account. The first purchase was Magna International I bought 26 shares @ $50.31. The second purchase I added a new stock to my portfolio in my TFSA I added Corus Entertainment I purchased 69 shares @ $12.68.

How did you guys do in June? Would love to hear your thoughts.


5 thoughts on “June 2016 Income

  1. Great job continuing to receive that growing passive income. Of course, it's from a list of companies that I do not own any. Just goes to show the number of quality dividend payers that exist out there. Thanks for sharing.


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